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On the edge of Europe – Ida-Viru, Estonia (In English)

28 maj 2024 19:00 - 21:00

Estonia visits Cafe Globen.

It is only 3 hours and 9 minutes away from Copenhagen.
Come hear the story about the region of Estonia that was the least popular one around 10 years ago and now has become a Top 3 holiday spot among Estonians.

This lecture will be held in English as Hanna Villberg is Estonian and will be flying to Denmark, in order to host this event.
As an introduction to Hanna’s exciting lecture, Estonian consul in Denmark, Filip Dalthur, will Welcome Hanna Villberg with a short introduction, where he will talk about life as an Estonian Honorary Consul in Denmark.

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tirsdag 28 maj
19:00 - 21:00
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