The ‘Unexplored Paradise’ of northeast India
In english
India is diverse, vast and a paradox by itself, and one can always be fascinated by the surprises it throws up. One such surprise awaits you in the northeast, an area connected to mainland India by a narrow corridor of 22kms known as the Chicken’s Neck, a region where very few have trodden.
The region is a cauldron of 230 ethnic tribes, a bioidiverse hotspot, rich in wildlife, home to the one-horned rhino, and so much more.
Zaman, the architect behind ZEITO, draws on his wanderlust and love of the outdoors of the mountains and trails of the land where he grew up: in Assam in northeast India.
His intimate knowledge of the region, his network within the local cultures, tribes and traditions makes him an ideal tour counsellor and guide. Although a retired anesthesiologist, Zaman will take you on an odyssey, showcasing the region, its history, mysteries, biodiversity, and a pristine tourist destination described as “Unexplored Paradise”.
For more info visit: http://www.zeito.dk/
Headhunter : He is one of the 16 Naga tribes, called the Konyak. Recognised by their tattooed faces and a history of fierce headhunting (since abandoned)
Elephant safari : This is from the UNESCO Karizanga National Park in Assam, an internationally recognised area for the one-horned rhinoceros, royal Bengal tiger
Sundeck : ZEITO offers river cruises on the Brahmaputra . Sundeck of one of of our vessels.
The Danish group of birdwatchers in the heights of Mandala, Arunachal Pradesh. Wildlife tours are our forte.