Spring Dance Workshops – Bachata y Merengue
ðð®ð°ðµð®ðð® ððŒð°ð¶ð®ð¹ ð±ð®ð»ð°ð² ððŒð¿ðžððµðŒðœð ð¶ð» ððŒðœð²ð»ðµð®ðŽð²ð»! (ð¿ð²ð®ð± ðð»ðŽð¹ð¶ððµ ð¯ð²ð¹ðŒð)
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FÃ¥ pladser er tilgÊngelige til undervisningen – maximum 14 personer. Hvilket giver ekstra plads til personlig feedback og spÞrgsmÃ¥l – uanset om du er en Þvet Bachata danser eller lige er begyndt at lÊre, vil der vÊre nye ting du kan fokusere pÃ¥ eller gÃ¥ i dybden med.
12:00-14:00 Workshop(s)
14:00-15:00 Practica
Dato/Tema/Billet link:
SÞndag d. 18. Februar
From Basic to Boom – Box step
LÞrdag d. 9. Marts
From Basic to Boom – On the spot
SÞndag d. 24. Marts
From Basic to Boom – Directional
LÞrdag d. 13. April
Personal Flow (Bachata) & âDipping the toe in Merengueâ
ðð¢ð§ðŠ ððð°ð£ðŠð¯
Baren vil vÊre Ã¥ben, sÃ¥ der er rig mulighed for at kÞbe noget ekstra at drikke – du er ogsÃ¥ altid velkommen til at medbringe din egen mad og spise i cafeen fÞr eller efter undervisningen.
Workshop+Practica = 250kr + billet gebyr
Practica = 70kr + billet gebyr
Vil du hellere tilmelde dig alle workshops på én gang med ekstra rabat?
â8 timers workshops + 4 timers Practica + 1×4 drikkevare = 888kr + billet gebyrâ
(kun tilgÊngelig I en begrÊnset periode)
*ðð«ððš ððª ð ð€ð¢ð¢ðð§ ð¡ÃŠð£ððð§ð ð«ÃŠð ðð§ð ðð£ð ðšðÊð¡ð¡ðð£ð ðð§ ððª ð«ðð¡ð ð€ð¢ð¢ðð£ ð©ðð¡ ðð© ðšð ð§ðð«ð ð©ðð¡
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â*Rabatten gÊlder kun ved kÞb af enkelt workshops – og altsÃ¥ ikke ved kÞb af den samlede workshop pakkeâ
(ððŠðšðªðŽðµð³ðŠð³ðªð¯ðš ð°ðš ð£ðŠðµð¢ððªð¯ðš ðŠð³ ðªð¬ð¬ðŠ ð³ðŠð§ð¶ð¯ð¥ðŠð³ð£ð¢ð³ ð°ðš ð¬ð¢ð¯ ðªð¬ð¬ðŠ Êð¯ð¥ð³ðŠðŽ ðµðªð ðŠðµ ð¢ð¯ð¥ðŠðµ ðŠð·ðŠð¯ðµ. ðð¶ ð¬ð¢ð¯ ð°ð·ðŠð³ð§Ãžð³ðŠ ð£ðªðððŠðµðµðŠð¯ ðµðªð ðŠð¯ ð¢ð¯ð¥ðŠð¯ ð±ðŠð³ðŽð°ð¯ ð©ð·ðªðŽ ð¥ð¶ ðŠð³ ð£ððŠð·ðŠðµ ð§ð°ð³ð©ðªð¯ð¥ð³ðŠðµ ðª ð¢ðµ ð¥ðŠððµð¢ðšðŠ. ððŠððµð¢ðšðŠðŽ ðµðªð ð·ð°ð³ðŠðŽ ðŠð·ðŠð¯ðµðŽ ðŠð³ ð±Ã¥ ðŠðšðŠðµ ð¢ð¯ðŽð·ð¢ð³. ðð¬ð¶ðððŠ ðŠð·ðŠð¯ðµðŠðµ ð£ððªð·ðŠ ð¢ð§ððºðŽðµ ð³ðŠð§ð¶ð¯ð¥ðŠð³ðŠðŽ ð£ðŠðÞð£ðŠðµ ðµðªð ð¥ðŠð³ ð©ð·ð°ð³ ð¥ðŠðµ ðŠð³ ð¬Ãžð£ðµ ð§ð³ð¢ – ð£ðªðððŠðµ- ð°ðš ð¬ð°ð³ðµ ðšðŠð£ðºð³ðŠð³ ð³ðŠð§ð¶ð¯ð¥ðŠð³ðŠðŽ ðªð¬ð¬ðŠ)
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ðœððððð©ð – ðð§ð€ð¢ ðœððšðð ð©ð€ ðœð€ð€ð¢:
Bachata er bygget op om mange forskellige basis trin som alle har deres rÞdder I forskellige regioner pÃ¥ den Dominikanske Republik – I disse workshops gÃ¥r vi I dybden med et udvalgt basis trin og ser pÃ¥ nogle af de mange forskellige variationer man kan lave, samt hvordan man kan vÊre kreativ med dem og inkludere dem i sin egen stil. Workshoppen er for alle – da det er helt op til dig selv at vurdere hvor meget du har kapacitet til at fylde pÃ¥ – der bliver altid givet variationer.
ðœððððð©ð – ððð§ðšð€ð£ðð¡ ðð¡ð€ð¬:
Bachata handler om at fÞle og mÊrke musikken (ogsÃ¥ selvom man ikke ved hvad den handler om) – for at kunne fÞle og mÊrke er man nÞdsaget til at komme ud af hovedet og ned i kroppen – sÃ¥ dansen bliver et flow. Det vil vi arbejde med i denne workshop.
âð¿ðð¥ð¥ðð£ð ð©ðð ð©ð€ð ðð£ ððð§ðð£ððªðâ:
âMerengue er en af forgÊngerne til Bachata – sÃ¥ for at kunne gÃ¥ endnu dybere mÃ¥ vi kende nogle af rÞdderne – og fordi det er sjovt, simple komplexitet og godt humÞr – lad os danse noget merengue! â
âFor at have mulighed for rigtigt at fÃ¥ det ind under huden det vi lÊrer til undervisningen, har jeg tilfÞjet en time til slut hvor i opmuntres til at Þve, forsÞge, lege, prÞve af, fejle og forsÞge igen! Denne time er ogsÃ¥ der hvor man har mulighed for at deltage hvis man blot har lyst til at Þve sig pÃ¥ noget man har lÊrt tidligere (mÃ¥ske du ikke har mulighed for at deltage pÃ¥ workshoppen)
ððŠðµðµðŠ ðŠð³ ðªð¬ð¬ðŠ ð£ðŠðšðºð¯ð¥ðŠð³ ðžð°ð³ð¬ðŽð©ð°ð±ðŽ – ð¥ð¶ ðŠð³ ð¥ð°ðš ðŽðµð¢ð¥ðªðš ð®ðŠðšðŠðµ ð·ðŠðð¬ð°ð®ð®ðŠð¯! ðð·ðªðŽ ð¥ð¶ ðŠð³ ð©ðŠððµ ð¯ðºð£ðŠðšðºð¯ð¥ðŠð³ – ðŽÃ¥ ðŽðŠð¯ð¥ ð®ðªðš ðšðŠð³ð¯ðŠ ðŠð¯ ð£ðŠðŽð¬ðŠð¥, ðŽÃ¥ ð«ðŠðš ð·ðŠð¥ ð¥ð¶ ð¬ð°ð®ð®ðŠð³.
ððððð ððð«ð¬ðð§
ðð¯ðð ðð® ð€ðð§ ððšð«ð¯ðð§ðð:
â100% Traditional Bachata og Merengue
â100% Fokus pÃ¥ Social Dans
âIndividuel feedback til bÃ¥de fÞrer og fÞlgere (spÞrgsmÃ¥l er altid velkommen!)
âAlle kan fÞre og fÞlge I disse workshops – intet behov for at skulle have en partner med (du mÃ¥ selvfÞlgelig gerne!)
âSkriv endelig hvis du er i tvivl om noget eller har spÞrgsmÃ¥l.
ð ðšð« ðŠðð«ð ð¢ð§ððšð«ðŠððð¢ðšð§ ðšðŠ ð°ðšð«ð€ð¬ð¡ðšð©ð¬, ð¬ðšðð¢ðð¥ð¬ ðšð ðŠðð«ð – ððð¬Ãžð ð¯ðšð«ðð¬:
ðFacebook Community Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/817972968558985/
ðOur Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/BachataDominicanaCopenhagen
ðOur Instagram https://www.instagram.com/bachatadominicanacopenhagen
ð©ðŽ Er ogsÃ¥ kendt som traditionel Bachata eller Dominikansk Bachata, da Bachata kommer fra den Dominikanske Republik.
ð©ðŽ Dansen handler mest om fÞlelse, at have det sjovt, Improvisation, relation og kropsbevÊgelse – misforstÃ¥s ofte som en dans der handler om at lave vildt fodarbejde.
ð©ðŽ Er ikke kun hurtig musik og bevÊgelser men indeholder lige sÃ¥ meget langsomt og mellem tempo musik.
ðð ðð:
Bachata Dominicana Copenhagen blev skabt af LÊrke Birk i 2020 men har siden 2022 vÊret et fÊlles projekt med Mette Larsen som I 2023 tog helt over da LÊrke valgte at trÊkke sig, men stÞtter stadig godt op om eventsene.
De har holdt deres viden skarp ved jÊvnligt at deltage på festivaler rundt omkring i Europa, deltaget på instruktÞrkurser samt jÊvne besÞg på Þen.
ðð ððððð:
Mette begyndte at undervise i dans tilbage i 2006 på Frederikssund ungdomsskole. I 2020 opdagede hun Bachata på den Dominikanske Republik og har siden da brugt sammenlagt 7 månender på Þen for at dykke ned i de forskellige danse communities. Hun har danset carribiske partnerdanse siden 2016.
I 2022 tog hun et instruktÞrkursus med BachataDominicanaRD (godkendt at det dominikanske kulturministerium).
Hendes fokus er på social dans, personlig stil, connection og non-verbal samtale lige så vel som kulturel baggrund og musikalitet i dansen. StrÊber mod at alle skal fÞle sig komfortable, set og velkommen.
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The workshop will be small, with a maximum of 14 participants – giving plenty of space for personal feedback – whether you’re an experienced Bachata dancer or just started learning, there will be new things to learn or go in to depths with.
A great place to drop in to the details in a safe environment and space for personal focus.
12:00-14:00 Workshop(s)
14:00-15:00 Practica
Dates/Theme/Ticket link:
Sunday 18th of February
From Basic to Boom – Box step
Saturday 9th of March
From Basic to Boom – On the spot
Sunday 24th of March
From Basic to Boom – Directional
Saturday 13th of April
Personal Flow (Bachata) & Dipping the toe in Merengue
ðð¢ð§ðŠ ððð°ð£ðŠð¯
The bar will be open, so there is plenty of possibility to get something to drink!
+ you are always welcome to bring your own food and eat it there before or after the workshop.
Workshop+Practica = 250kr + ticket fee
Practica = 70kr + ticket fee
Would you rather sign up for all workshops at one time – with some discount?
â8 timers workshop + 4 timers Practica + 1×4 Drinks = 888kr + ticket feeâ
(only available for a limited time)
*ðð ðð€ð¢ðð£ð ðð§ð€ð¢ ð€ðªð©ðšððð ð€ð ð¿ðð£ð¢ðð§ð ð¥ð¡ðððšð ðšððð£ ðªð¥ ðð® ð-ð¢ððð¡ ð©ð€ ðððððð©ððð€ð¢ðð£ðððð£ð.ðð¥ð@ðð¢ððð¡.ðð€ð¢ ð€ð§ ðð ð€ð£ ðððððð€ð€ð ð€ð§ ðð£ðšð©ððð§ðð¢
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â*The discount is only applicable for purchase of single workshop – and not the full workshop package.â
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Bachata is build of many different basic steps that has their roots in different regions of the Dominican Republic – in these workshops we will be diving in to a selection of basic steps and work on some of the many different variations that exist, how we can be creative with them and include personal style. The workshop is for all levels – as it is completely up to you to evaluate along the way how much you have capacity to add – there will always be given less complicated variations.
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Bachata is all about feeling the music (even when you donât understand the lyrics) – to feel the music we need to get out of our heads and down in the body – so the dance will become a flow. Thats what we will be working on in this workshop
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Merengue is one of the predecessors of Bachata – to be able to go even deeper we need to know the roots – also because its fun, complex simplicity and joy – let’s dance some Merengue
To be able to sustain all the information we generate in the workshops I have decided to add 1 hour in the end where I would like to encourage you to practise, try, play, make mistakes and try again! This is also the our where you are welcome to join if you already have things youâd like to practise (maybe you werenât able to join the workshop)
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â100% Traditional Bachata and Merengue
â100% Focus on Social Dancing
âIndividual feedback to both leaders and followers (questions always welcome!)
âEveryone can lead/follow in these Courses – no need to bring a partner
âDonât hesitate to contact us if you have any doubts or questions
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ðFacebook Community Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/817972968558985/
ðOur Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/BachataDominicanaCopenhagen
ðOur Instagram https://www.instagram.com/bachatadominicanacopenhagen/
ð©ðŽ Is also known as Traditional Bachata or Dominican Bachata, as Bachata originates from The Dominican Republic
ð©ðŽ Is mainly about feeling, having fun, improvisation, connection and movement – and is not mainly about footwork as commonly misunderstood
ð©ðŽ Is not only a âfast type bachataâ, but includes just as many slow songs as medium and fast songs
ððððð ðð:
Bachata Dominicana Copenhagen was first created by LÊrke Birk back in 2020 but since 2022 has been a joint adventure with Mette Larsen who then took over the project in 2023 when LÊrke decided to retreat from the project (but with her continued support of the events). Theyâve since made sure to keep their knowledge and inspiration fresh by frequently participating in Dominican Festivals around Europe as well as participating in Instructor courses and visiting the Island.
ððððð ððððð:
Mette started teaching dancing back in 2006 at Frederikssund Ungdomsskole, but in 2020 she met Dominican Bachata in the land of origin and has since then spent a total of 7 months in the DR getting immersed in the dance communities. She has been dancing caribbean partner dances since 2016. In 2022 she took an instructors course with BachataDominicanaRD (approved by the Dominican ministry of culture). Her focus is on social dancing, personal style, connection and non-verbal conversation as well as the cultural background and musicality of the dance. Striving to make everyone feel comfortable, seen and welcome.
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