Saudi Arabia – Riyadh, Al Ula & Jeddah
By DBK member Jakob Linaa Jensen:
2021 Saudi reopened for visitors. Join us for a trip to Riyadh, Al Ula and Jeddah,
Bengt: I joined an trip with friends who all met each other through EveryPassportStamp to Saudi October 2021 and made friends with Jakob, Mette and Lærke,
all of whom I had never met before. During that trip. Somewhere in Saudi the idea of an (official) joint club trip was born.
Riyadh is the modern capital.
Al Ula is the Petra of Saudi. A Unesco site in the desert.
Jeddah is the old city where all old houses are restorated /rebuild and the city centre is Unesco World Heritage.
Its at the Red Sea where snorkeling and diving is possible.
About Bengt Hildebrandt: Swedish doctor living in Stockholm and having finished 193 in 2020 (Yemen). Nowadays travelling mainly to easier destinations that I’ve wanted to visit or with people I like to travel with (then destination is less important). Many years on the Club100 board, nowadays its webmaster. NomadMania and EPS friend.
About Mette Ehlers Mikkelsen: Danish board member, IT project manager etc who wish to visit every country in the world and are 2 UN countries short. Member of the Danish Travelers Club and of the board at Café Globen. NomadMania and EPS friend.
About Jakob Linaa Jensen: Danish associate professor of social media at Aarhus University, travel author and globetrotter who have visited 155 countries. Many years as vice chairman and board member at the Danish Travelers Club.