Eventyrer Rasmus Krath: uformel 1. visning – migrantruten, Colombia og Panama
Rasmus Krath er lige kommet hjem fra sit vildeste projekt til dato: At krydse The Darién Gap, den lovløse jungle mellem Colombia og Panama, hvor han med fire kameraer fulgte klodens pt. største migrationsrute for at optage en dokumentarfilm om migrationen mod USA.
Rasmus kommer nu forbi Globen til en uformel første visning af nogle af optagelserne, fortæller om projektet og migrationen igennem junglen. Bl.a. om hvordan migranterne – og Rasmus selv – var nødt til at samarbejde med menneskesmuglere på Colombia siden af Darién.
Obs: Dette er ikke for børn. Der kommer barske billeder og filmklip!
Det bliver en aften fra hoften – ikke et forberedt show, men glæd jer! Materialet er voldsomt og rørende, og historien ultra relevant her op til USA´s valg i år, der kommer for en stor del til at stå i migrationens tegn.
Her kan du se et første glimt af lidt af Rasmus’ materiale – det eneste, som deles på sociale medier.
– in English :
With illegal migrants through The Darién Gap jungle from South America to North America on the migrants’ way to the USA. More than 2000 people set off every day right now. Children and adults die inside the jungle.
Danish Adventurer Rasmus Krath crossed The Darién Gap jungle together with a huge group of migrants early 2024, documenting the biggest migration route on the planet in our days. Every day between 1.000 and 2.000 migrants enter The Darién Gap on a several days long and dangerous trek crossing the jungle, mountains, and rivers on the border between Colombia and Panama, the only land area connecting South America and North America – and one of the planets last true wildernesses. Not everyone survives.
Rasmus Krath specifically followed the Venezuelan family introduced in this presentation, with the aim to put human faces on migration of present day. He recorded many hours with the family, listening to their history, reasons, hopes and dreams – and documented their quest through the Darién Gap filming their physical challenges on the route, their thoughts/reflections, and their daily life as a family during the days, they spent together in the jungle.
During 2024 this material will be produced into a full-length documentary film about the entire expedition telling the whole story of these people´s journey through the jungle and the entire migration through The Darién Gap.